Category: San Tan Valley
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Driver Wildly Swerves Off Of Road
May 16, 2023
#Fail #Crash #Cars #Trucks #USA #Crashes #Accident #Car #Traffic #Truck #Pick-up #Failure #Accidents #Trailer #Semi #Track #Tracks #Crashed #Highway #Passes #Vehicles #Control #Railroad #Fails #Automobiles #Automobile #Crashing #Semi Truck #Highways #Arizona #Swerves #Motorway #Passing #Failing #Avoid #Pickup #Swerve #Avoids #Swerving #Failed #Speeds #Passed #Tractor Trailer #Swerved #San Tan Valley
Piggy Smalls Gets His Nails Done
Marjorie Marlen
Aug 25, 2022
#Animals #Humor #USA #Funny #Animal #Humour #Hilarious #Nature #Pig #Arizona #Humorous #Pigs #Piggy #Trim #Nails #Hoof #Piggies #Trims #Trimming #Living Room #Long Nails #Humourous #Trimmed #Hooves #Hoofs #Hoofed #San Tan Valley
Aftermath of Tesla Self Drive Mode Gone Wrong
Chandra Bailey
Apr 14, 2022
#Fail #Cool #Weird #News #Crash #Cars #Kids #USA #Crashes #Accident #Car #Failure #Tesla #Kid #Child #Out #Hit #Wall #Crashed #Tree #Walls #Drive #Children #Strange #Awesome #Electric #Fails #Ground #Speed #Speeding #Trees #Crashing #ViralHog #Bizarre #Arizona #Box #Fast #Failing #Hitting #Going #Aftermath #Too #Neat #Odd #After #Bricks #Failed #Internet #Brick #Boxes #Sped #Kiddo #Took #Self #Kiddos #Mode #Brick Wall #San Tan Valley #2022 #Internet Box #Electric Box
Dog Plays Keep Away From Friend
Colette Marks
Aug 27, 2021
#Dogs #Humor #Cool #Stunts #Cute #USA #Play #Playing #Funny #Dog #Humour #Adorable #Pet #Pets #Hilarious #Feel Good #Friends #Friend #Family #Awesome #Sweet #ViralHog #Pup #Arizona #Humorous #Neat #Away #Keep #Played #Doggy #Doggo #Poodle #Poodles #Goldendoodle #Humourous #Tan #Domesticated Animals #Muted #Mute #Keep Away #San Tan Valley #A Way #Partially Muted
Killdeer Birds Have a Peculiar Defense Mechanism
Mitchell Stott
Apr 14, 2021
#Weird #USA #Dad #Protect #Protects #Crazy #Nature #Birds #Father #Eggs #Strange #Pretend #Mom #Mama #Mother #ViralHog #Bizarre #Babies #Arizona #Wild Animals #Interesting #Odd #Pretends #Defense Mechanism #Pretending #Protecting #Protected #Pretended #Fascinating #2021 #San Tan Valley #Killdeer #Defense Mechanisms
Huge Dust Devil in the Desert
Nicole Sullivan
Jun 05, 2019
#Cool #Weather #USA #Wind #Nature #Farm #Tornado #Dust #Dirt #Windy #Sand #ViralHog #Arizona #Twister #Valley #Devil #Desert #2019 #San Tan
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